Carina Pape


organizing & cooperating

Picture with conference posters designed by Carina Pape

From 2011-2018, I headed the RdpK research group in Berlin, which has developed into an international network, with cooperation with universities in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Kaliningrad. In addition to major academic events, I also organized cultural evenings, e.g. with Alexander Sokurov's "Faust" film adaptation. During my postdoctoral position at the Europa-Universität Flensburg and during a stay at Kyoto University (Japan) in the context of my Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship I organized further conferences and workshops in Germany and Japan.

I design the posters, flyers and programs for the events. If you are interested in using one of the pictures, please write me an e-mail.

Plakat zur Konferenz - Der Dialog in russisch-deutscher Pespektive
Plakat zur Verantstaltung - Burger, Bier und Beelzebub
Plakat zur Konferenz - 230 Jahre Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklärung?
Plakat zum Workshop - Norms of Indignation
Plakat zum Workshop - Diversity & Trust
Plakat zum Interdisziplinären Kolloquium - Konflikt-Krise-Kritik
Plakat zur Tagung - Empörung-Enthusiasmus-Hoffnung